
From Letters to the Editor, Fiji Times Online (15 July 2005)

Rotuman view

I REFER to the statement by the Rotuma Council's interim chairman, Injimo Managreve, on the Bill (FT 2/7).

It is very misleading.

First, there was no provincial meeting. It was a workshop.

Second, only four chiefs attended on the first day and three chiefs attended on the second day.

The workshop was conducted by a government team which left Rotuma on June 30.

Before the workshop was conducted, no one had seen a copy of the Bill except Gagaj Maraf -- our representative in the Senate.

Copies of the Bill were distributed to people who attended, such as the chief of Malhaha district and the chief of Itumuta.

They said it was very hard for them to fathom the contents of the Bill.

So, the Rotuma council will have to seek legal advice before it makes its stand known.

The Bill deals with sensitive issues and the chairman can exercise his right to express his views to the media but please, refrain from including the view of others when approval has not been given.

Antonio Tanu
Rotuma Rotuman view