
Noa‘ia everyone. My name is Afrete Wally Etika (Male). I am 23 years of age and currently completing my Bachelor of Arts in Tourism and Marine Studies at the University of the South Pacific (Suva, Fiji Islands). It is indeed an honor for me to share with the youths of Rotuma an Interesting topic—Sharks. I hope you enjoy reading and fully understand the message.


Let there be no misunderstanding. We fear sharks. We fear them very much. In fact, our second thought when setting foot in the sea is usually-SHARKS!! But our first thought is to admire the beauty of ocean, of the diversity of living creatures that call it their home. And what we fear more than the shark is loss of this diversity, the destruction of this majestic beauty. That is why we are writing this letter. To let you know that despite our fear (which we blame entirely on “JAWS”) we understand what the movie did not tell us. We need the shark.

We understand that this world, living and non-living, exists in a fragile balance. Sharks of all species play a vital role in such a balance.
We understand that if sharks were to disappear, the ocean would lose its king. Without the shark, smaller fish populations will grow far too large. They in turn would deplete their prey-crustaceans and molluscs. Without these to feed on algae, our seas would be covered by algal blooms; life in the oceans would suffocate. We need to save the shark for our ecosystem.

We understand that if sharks were to disappear, our people would lose a part of their identity. Without the shark, for how long will people admire and know of this beautiful creation of God? Without the shark, our myths will become fairytales. Our traditional food and medicine will not pass on to the next generation. We need to save the shark for our culture.

We fear the shark alright, but that is only one side of the tale. Do not let the terrified screams drown out the voices that tell you the other side-that sharks can also be respected. For their beauty, their speed and resilience, their ties to ancient times, and their contribution to a secure future. They are living proof of how truly magnificent nature can be.

Sharks may not have a voice, but we do. And we say in no uncertain terms, that we believe in the shark. We believe in their survival. Do not let our voice go unheard. Save the sharks!

By: Afrete Wally Etika