
LäjeRotuma Initiative


Läje Rotuma Constitution

Article I : Name and Vision

1. The name of the association hereby constituted is "LajeRotuma Initiative" (herein referred to as the "Initiative")

2. The vision of the Initiative is to maximize the future environmental and sustainable options for the island of Rotuma and her people. The main goal and objectives of the Initiative shall be:

a. To strengthen natural resource management of the Rotuman community living on the island, for the benefit of current and future generations;

b. To provide access to information for the island community and provide innovative activities and programmes which encourage community and school participation options on Rotuma;

c. To encourage the creation of sustainable livelihood for the improvement of standards of living by education and awareness in matters of self-help;

d. To further the development of youth, women and all communities on Rotuma;

e. To encourage the full participation of Rotuman individuals and communities living away from the home island in the Initiative's plans and actions.

Article II : Membership

1. Membership shall be open to persons of Rotuman descent and others who:

a. who have demonstrated that they are friends of the Initiative in terms of providing assistance and support of any kind;

b. pay a membership fee.

2. Honorary members may be admitted by the Core Group.

3. Membership shall be lost if a member has not paid dues by the end of the previous membership period except in circumstances where the Core Group determines that failure to pay was beyond the control of the member and the member subsequently pays dues to date and continues to provide support and assistance in kind where deemed necessary.

Article III : The Quarterly Meeting and Conference

1. The ultimate authority of the Initiative shall be vested in the Quarterly meetings which control the general policy of the Initiative and shall delegate to the Core Group the power to carry out such policy and to conduct the business of the Initiative in the intervals between meetings which is to be held every 3 months and including the Quarterly meeting during the Conference at every two years. (authority cannot be vested in meetings, only in people; who is entitled to attend quarterly meetings? The entire membership? In any case you should specify this. So the wording should read something like: "The entire active membership is entitled to attend quarterly meetings, at which policy decisions are made." You have not yet specified how the Core Group is constituted; I suggest you provide at least a general reference to the nature of the core group above.)

2. To enable a Quarterly Meeting to exercise this authority at least one third of the members of the Initiative are entitled to vote at the meeting or by proxy.

3. Each member, including Core Group members, shall have one vote which may be exercised either personally or by proxy. The Coordinator shall have the casting vote. (The way the coordinator is selected, and the coordinator's role should be specified in the membership section.)

4. All proxies shall be submitted to the Secretary in writing in a form acceptable to the Initiative not less than 24 hours before the Quarterly Meeting (for which they are appointed) for which who is appointed? unclear .

5. A Conference shall be held every two years as a forum for discussion, workshops and planning for the next two years' work-plan and direction for the Initiative.

6. The Quarterly meeting immediately preceding a Conference shall determine the date, venue and theme of the imminent Conference or the membership attending the meeting may delegate the duty to the Core Group.

7. The Core Group is empowered to postpone the Conference or change the venue by special resolution.

Article IV: Officers

1. Officers:

a. The Core Group members of the Initiative shall be the Coordinator, Program Assistants, Secretary and Treasurer who shall be elected at each Conference meeting. They shall take office on the first day of the biennium;

b. In the event that no nomination is received for one of the above positions, nominations maybe called from members present at the Quarterly meeting held during the Conference.

2. The Core Group shall have the power to appoint, when the need arises, committees which shall be chaired by conveners and which may include the following:

a. Coral Reef Conservation Program
b. Coastline Rehabilitation and Protection Program
c. Finance and Membership Committee
d. Livelihoods Project
e. Mobile Environmental Resource Team Program

3. The Core Group shall carry out the policy and conduct the business of the Initiative in the interval between Conferences in accordance with policy.

4. The Core Group shall have the power:

a. to make by-laws for that purposeprovided that any such by-law and any amendment thereto shall be ratified by a majority of the members of the Initiative;

b. to open and operate bank accounts and to determine who shall sign cheques on the Initiative's behalf;

c. to organize the Conference in accordance with the Constitution and by-laws;

d. to adopt its own working rules;

e. to examine applications for admission and to decide which of the applicants shall be admitted as new members;

f. to fill all vacancies among the Officers and Trustees of the Initiative;

g. to supervise expenditures of the Initiative and the use and investment of funds;

h. to promote study and action on the legal, economic, social, environmental and on any other matters of interests to the Initiative;

i. to appeal for, collect, receive and administer all sums of money subscribed or given by any person or organization for the support, maintenance or benefit of the Initiative and in furtherance of the purposes of the Initiative;

j. to acquire by purchase, lease, hire, gift or otherwise and to dispose by way of sale, exchange, gift, lease, hire or otherwise such property, real or personal, as the Core Group may deem necessary for the furtherance of the purposes of the Initiative and to perform all acts in relation thereto as may from time to time be required including the employment of all persons necessary for the prosecution of the activities of the Initiative;

k. to invest and deal with monies not immediately required in such manner as may from time to time be determined;

l. to do all such other things as in the opinion of the Core Group may be incidental or conducive to the attainment of any of the Initiative's goals and objectives or the exercise of any of the foregoing powers.

Article V : Board of Trustees

1. There shall be a Board of Trustees comprising three persons of good repute and standing which, upon incorporation as a Charitable Trust, shall have perpetual succession and a common seal and which, subject to this Constitution, may do and suffer to be done all that corporate bodies may do and suffer to be done.

2. Trustees shall be appointed by the Initiative at the Quarterly Meeting during the Conference for a term of 2 years with a right of reappointment for further terms. Their tenure may otherwise be determined by resignation in writing or by removal from office by the Initiative during the Quarterly Meeting at the Conference by votes of not less than two thirds of those present and entitled to vote.

3. All property of the Initiative shall be deemed to be vested in the Board of Trustees, but the responsibility for the administration therefore shall lie with the Core Group.

4. All contracts binding the Initiative shall be in writing and may be entered into for and on behalf of the Board of Trustees by the Core Group. The Coordinator and the Treasurer of the Initiative shall be signatories to any such contract. The Secretary shall have the custody of the seal which shall be used, subject to a power of veto by a majority of the Trustees, only pursuant to a resolution of the Core Group.

5. The Trustees shall meet as and when they deem it necessary and shall adopt their own working procedures. 6. The Trustees shall be entrusted with ensuring that the property of the Initiative is being reasonably applied for the furtherance of the Initiative's goals and objectives. To enable the Trustees to better perform their functions, they are hereby empowered to receive all notices, attend quarterly meetings but without power to vote.

Article VI : Finance

1. The financial period of the Initiative shall be 1st January in any one year to 31st December the same year.

2. Each member of the Initiative shall pay membership dues annually.

3. All cheques shall be signed by the Treasurer and at least one other authorized member of the Core Group.

Article VII : Liability of Members

Individual members shall not be liable for contracts, debts or other obligations incurred by the Initiative unless any such liability or loss has been incurred through the unauthorized act of such member or through willful negligence or fraud.

Article VIII : Amendment of Constitution

This Constitution may be amended at a Conference meeting by a two thirds majority of recorded votes, provided that notice of the proposed amendment shall have been sent at least three months in advance to the Secretary who shall circulate it to each member at least one month before the Conference.

Article IX : Dissolution

1. The Initiative shall be dissolved if:

a. Notice of proposed dissolution of the Initiative is supported by the signatures of two thirds of the total membership, haven been given to the Council not less than one year before the date of a Conference and a copy therefore has been circulated to the members not less than six months before the said meeting;

b. At a Conference meeting at which at least two third of the membership is represented and three quarters of those present vote to dissolve the Initiative;

c. The resolution is ratified by two thirds of the members. Immediately after the Conference Meeting, each member shall be notified of the decision to dissolve. Unless more than one third of the members formally oppose the decision within eight months after notification, the vote to dissolve shall be confirmed.

2. In case of dissolution, individual members shall have no right to the assets of the Initiative. Assets shall be dealt with by the Board of Trustees in accordance with the Charitable Trusts Act for purposes similar to those of the Initiative.


1. The Core Group shall meet at least four times a year. Four members of the Core Group shall constitute a quorum. Any member of the Initiative may attend Core Group meetings. The Core Group shall not be obliged to notify members in writing of the time and place of such meetings but from inquiry from any member of the Core Group shall advise the time and place of such meetings.

2. The Coordinator or any Core Group member may call a special meeting of the Core Group at any time for consideration of any business.

3. The Core Group shall prepare the Agenda for the Conference. This Agenda shall be forwarded to the members at least one month before the Conference.


4. At least four months before the Conference meeting the Secretary shall notify each member that nominations for the office of Coordinator must be received two months before the date of the Conference meeting and that such nominations are to be signed by the nominator and nominee. The Secretary shall return to each member the list of nominees for the election.


5. Every member of the Initiative shall be informed of the Conference by a printed notice at least six months before the date of the Conference along with an outline of the issues/topic(s) to be discussed.

6. All members are eligible to attend the Conference. At each Conference public meetings shall be arranged to which all interested persons may be admitted.

7. The theme for the Conference shall be circulated by the Core Group to each member not less than six months before the Conference.

8. The Core Group shall prepare the Agenda for the Conference. This agenda shall be forwarded to the members at least six months before the Conference. No further items shall be placed on the Agenda after the commencement of the Conference except in such matters of urgency as shall be approved by a majority of the Core Group or by a two thirds majority of the Conference delegates present and entitled to vote.

9. All participants at the Conference shall pay a registration fee of such amount as shall be determined from time to time by the Core Group.


10. Publications, press releases and any use of the Initiative's name shall be made only with the authorization of the Core Group.


11. Subject to Article V, clause a., no existing by-law shall be amended or repealed at a meeting of the Core Group unless particulars of the proposed amendment or repeal shall have been given in the notice calling the meeting. Subject as aforesaid the Core Group may amend or repeal these by-laws.

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